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Chicken Bedding
100% natural, long lasting, highly absorbent, bio-degradable

How much bedding for your chickens?

1 x 15kg bag of our HempBed will cover 2.5 square meters at 5cm deep.

Change out the bedding as it becomes soiled.

Hemp Hurds ARE the best bedding to use in your nest boxes and on the chook house floor....
Sawdust is too dusty!
Straw is okay to use but offers a haven for those nasty crawling insects to hide in the hollow reads etc.
Hay goes sour and mouldy very quickly!

”you’ll be pleased to know that I have 16 hens and 2 bags of your hemp bedding has lasted me 9 months in their coop. NO odour; it’s wonderful stuff”….. says Steve in North Carolina.

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Dutch experience with using Hemp for chicken rearing (1.8mb)